Putting a safe, sustainable and flexible toolbox into the hands of farmers
Farmers of all sizes in all agricultural systems must meet the needs and expectations of food processors and retailers, consumers, society and our planet.
Crop protection is one of the world’s most highly regulated industries. To gain and maintain registration, a chemical must be shown to be safe for workers, the environment, crops and consumers.
Syngenta is a world market leader in crop protection products, offering farmers an extensive toolbox of solutions. We develop and produce herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and seed treatment products that promote strong and healthy growth.
Our products and solutions protect crops and enhance the ability of plants to defend themselves. They can be based on world-class chemistry or naturally occurring substances and processes (biocontrols). We bring these together with new monitoring techniques, precision application, fast-developing digital technologies and new breeding techniques.
Whatever the solution, we take our responsibilities seriously when it comes to making each one safe and sustainable for farmers, the whole of society and the planet.