Helping growers produce successful crops every year
We address farming challenges using various technologies, alone or in combination, within six areas of research. Our innovation centers on chemicals, as spray or seed treatment, native trait breeding, and genetic modification. We use the most advanced technology, such as biologicals, which include naturally occurring organisms, and RNA, a naturally occurring process that happens in the cells of plants, animals, and people.
Increasing crop yields and saving time
Unwelcome plants growing on cultivated land can decrease crop yields by more than 75% if growers don’t protect their crops.
Syngenta provides both non-selective and selective herbicides, derived from a wide range of different chemical classes, saving time and increasing crop yields.
We continue to develop new herbicides with new active ingredients and a better resistance profile. We are also working on the development of herbicide-tolerant crops.
Safe, effective, convenient products
Insects can significantly reduce crop yield and quality as they injure plants by chewing leaves, stems and roots, sucking juices, laying eggs or transmitting diseases.
We develop solutions to help growers tackle insect challenges across a variety of key crops.
We are also a global leader in developing traits for controlling chewing insects using genetic modification (GM).
A global multi-crop challenge
The cost of crop losses due to plant diseases is estimated at $60 billion a year. The single largest cause of this is fungal damage. It occurs at all stages of crop growth, including once the crop has been harvested.
Fungal diseases can be controlled, but the rapid emergence of fungicide-resistant pathogens is a problem that requires new modes of action and approaches using best practice, genetics and chemistry.
We are focusing on the development of integrated solutions for fungal disease control.
Crop Protection products
Find out more about our major crop protection products including seed treatments.

Seeds to combat pests living in the soil
Nematodes are parasitic, microscopic, threadlike roundworms that inhabit the soil and feed on crop root systems causing root damage and yield loss.
The best way to combat soil-born pests like nematodes is by applying an active ingredient as a seed treatment.
We also use advanced breeding techniques to produce seeds that contain natural nematode-resistant genes.
Seeds products
Advanced seeds mitigate risks such as disease and drought and allow farmers to grow food using less land, less water and fewer inputs. Find out more about our top seed products.

Solutions for the largest unmet grower need
Abiotic stress comes from environmental pressures, such as drought, reduced nutrients and climate change. Making crop production more resilient is one of the biggest unresolved growers’ needs.
We have a range of solutions available – and in the pipeline – that help by increasing or stabilizing yield, improving quality and using resources more efficiently.