What are Syngenta's corporate headquarters address and telephone number?
The global headquarter of Syngenta is located in Basel, Switzerland:
Syngenta Crop Protection AG
P.O. Box
CH-4002 Basel
Phone: +41 61 323 11 11
What is Syngenta's vision & main areas of activity?
Syngenta is a leading agriculture company helping to improve global food security by enabling millions of farmers to make better use of available resources. Through world class science and innovative crop solutions, our 30,000 people in over 90 countries are working to transform how crops are grown. We are committed to rescuing land from degradation, enhancing biodiversity and revitalizing rural communities.

How often is your website updated?
The investor and media centers are updated frequently. Most of the general information on the site will not be updated as often because it is unlikely to become dated.
When is the company's year end?
December 31st
Who is your independent auditor?
KPMG was appointed as Group auditor at the Annual General Meeting in April 2015. The appointment of the auditor is for one year, renewable annually.
In what currency are your financial statements prepared?
Our consolidated financial results are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and presented in US dollars as this is the major currency in which revenues are denominated in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").
How many employees does Syngenta have?
To meet the needs of individual markets, we have a global total of close to 30,000 people in 90 countries.
What are your debt ratings?
See bond investor information - credit rating page.
Where can I obtain more information?