Syngenta R&D Day: unparalleled pipeline of innovation
Stein, Switzerland, September 16, 2015
- 15 new and pipeline products in crop protection: peak sales over $6 billion
- Trait revenue set to more than double; expanded pipeline
- Highest R&D productivity in the industry
At its research facility in Stein, Switzerland, Syngenta will today set out the details of its pipeline of unparalleled innovation across chemistry, seeds and traits. The pipeline contains a wealth of technologies across all product lines which will further accelerate value creation and extend the company's industry-leading position.
In crop protection, the company will showcase its technology pipeline, focusing on the nine new active ingredients with combined peak sales potential of over $3.6 billion. These include the breakthrough, broad spectrum fungicide ADEPIDYN™ (pydiflumetofen) and ORONDIS™ for vegetables and specialty crops, which will reinforce Syngenta's global leadership in fungicides. The pipeline also includes blockbuster products in insecticides and herbicides together with breakthrough technology in seedcare.
In seeds and traits, corn trait revenue is set to more than double by 2020. Building on the success of HYVIDO™ barley, we have recently achieved technical proof of concept in hybrid wheat. Commercialization is expected to start by the end of the decade, with peak sales potential of more than $3 billion. Our trait pipeline is well positioned to lead the next wave of GM innovation, with breakthrough projects to address soybean rust and sucking pests in addition to next generation technologies in herbicide tolerance and corn rootworm.
The company will also highlight its leadership in R&D productivity and return on investment. The rate of innovation is accelerating as shown by the number of launches and sales per launch. Productivity will further improve as the investment in global platforms such as biological assessment and regulatory drive additional efficiencies.
Trish Malarkey, Head of Research and Development, said: "We are accelerating the rate of our innovation while further improving productivity and return on investment. We are at the beginning of an exciting period in the innovation journey of Syngenta with cutting-edge science driving significant value creation in the short, medium and long-term across all technologies. I look forward to sharing the details with our shareholders and other stakeholders."
About Syngenta
Syngenta is a leading agriculture company helping to improve global food security by enabling millions of farmers to make better use of available resources. Through world class science and innovative crop solutions, our 28,000 people in over 90 countries are working to transform how crops are grown. We are committed to rescuing land from degradation, enhancing biodiversity and revitalizing rural communities. To learn more visit and Follow us on Twitter® at
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