Operation Pollinator is an international biodiversity program to boost the number of pollinating insects on commercial farms.
For over fifteen years, Operation Pollinator has created essential habitat in field margins or on fallow land on commercial farms or golf courses. The habitat provides nesting and food resources for bees, pollinators, beneficial insects, as well as for small mammals and farmland birds, enhancing overall biodiversity. It also provides farmers and the environment with important ecosystems services like pollination and pest control that improve crop yields, securing sustainable farming and environmental balance.
Pollinating insects are crucial for the success of many natural habitats and the production of many food crops. It has been estimated that the value of pollinators to the global ecosystem is more than €150 billion a year.
In recent years, pollinators have been threatened by a combination of causes, including habitat loss and fragmentation, agricultural intensification, non-sustainable use of crop protection products, environmental pollution, pathogens and climate change.
We can help address the decline of pollinators by promoting more sustainable practices that diversify agricultural landscapes.
Multifunctional Field Margins
Read our report on how integrating multifunctional field margins brings benefits for nature, society & our business.
Our collaboration with ARCADIS and Bioversity International.