Protecting tomatoes against one of the most damaging pathogens
ADEPIDYN® technology blocks the spores of Alternaria solani or Early blight which can cause up to 40% loss of the tomato crop if left untreated
A unique fungicide improving plant health, protecting yield and quality
ADEPIDYN® technology is a revolutionary broad spectrum fungicide that delivers a new standard in long-lasting crop protection. It belongs to a new chemical group, N-methoxy-(phenyl-ethyl)-pyrazole-carboxamide. This unique chemical structure makes ADEPIDYN® technology a superpower across a wide range of crops and diseases.
It protects cereals, providing excellent performance against Fusarium head blight, and a step-change in the control of leaf spots, including Septoria. It also protects corn, soybean, peanuts, vegetables, potatoes, grapes, tomatoes and fruit crops against a number of pathogens including leaf spots, powdery mildew, Botrytis and Sclerotinia.
ADEPIDYN® technology contributes to plant health, helps crops to be more efficient and create better marketable produce. This unique carboxamide, also reduces the level of mycotoxin contamination in wheat and barley, significantly contributing to improved safety for food and feed.
ADEPIDYN® technology meets stringent global policies for crop protection products, which require a high level of health and environmental protection. It has an excellent crop safety profile whether used on its own, in pre-mixes or in tank-mixes.
It can replace fungicides, which are being removed from the market for regulatory reasons, and old technology that has become less effective due to disease resistance.
Rainfastness and stamina
Its unique characteristics include balanced distribution in plants and outstanding rainfastness. It binds quickly and strongly to the plant's wax layer and gradually penetrates into the plant tissue.
Outstanding rainfastness means wash-off is reduced, eliminating the need for further ‘catch-up’ sprays after rain.
ADEPIDYN® technology is
a game-changer for modern agriculture
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