
The most comprehensive science-based Sustainable Agriculture initiative of its kind ever undertaken

While current food systems produce food for a growing world population, they are also often a burden on soils, biodiversity, and climate. But agriculture also holds the key to enhancing soil fertility and fostering agroecosystem diversity and resilience.

This is where LivinGro® comes into play.

Deeply rooted in science, it takes a holistic look at agriculture on productive farms: Multi-year trials across the globe assess more than 60 different parameters relating to crop cultivation, biodiversity, soil health, and climate impact. The findings will help to design and implement agronomic protocols for farmers to sustainably secure yields while taking care of the agroecosystem.  

Look at LivinGro® 

Soils are a living memory

LivinGro® preserves biodiversity in the field and in the soil

LivinGro® project

Statements from scientists and food chain partners from Spain and Chile

LivinGro® in Argentina

Launch of comprehensive field trials in support of sustainable agriculture

LivinGro® is a programme that redefines what sustainable farming looks like 

In 2019, Syngenta launched a programme aimed at improving the sustainability of agriculture.

One year later, the first LivinGro® trials began in countries from Europe, South and Central America, currently also in Asia. The research is conducted by a large network of dedicated people. The collaboration landscape involves many Syngenta experts, a considerable number of renowned scientific and technology partners, as well as food value chain companies , and farmers who are committed to making their operations more resilient and sustainable.  

LivinGro® enhances agroecosystems 

LivinGro® draws on the best ecological management practices from different farming systems and modern crop protection technologies. This soil and biodiversity-enhancing sustainability initiative is set apart by two distinctive factors – being very broad in the number of parameters it measures and being validated by independent researchers from a wide array of scientific disciplines.  

LivinGro®: science for sustainable food production and healthy agroecosystems 

The scientific work associated with LivinGro® is taking place on productive farms in several countries, either as full-scale pilots or as customized approaches.

Both approaches focus on biodiversity, soil health, and crop productivity, and the objective is to implement science-based agronomic protocols to encourage sustainable farming practices and support efficient food production within thriving agroecosystems.

LivinGro® Pilots

Syngenta is implementing comprehensive and intensive research activities on productive farms. These LivinGro® Pilots focus on rotational and perennial crops to prove that modern food production within resilient and biodiverse agroecosystems and on healthy soils is both practicable and profitable.
The LivinGro® Pilots cover the entire breadth of our research spectrum and are generating a wealth of scientific field data. The findings are helping to design modern agronomic protocols and to implement - and further scale up - sustainable agriculture practices.

LivinGro® Lite

Syngenta is developing customized protocols to ensure growers and value chain companies achieve their sustainability commitments in biodiversity, climate change mitigation and soil health by leading the way to sustainable farming.
While the scope of LivinGro® Lite trials is narrower than with the full-scale pilots, the scientific rigor applied and the objectives are the same: to generate meaningful data in support of developing scalable solutions that benefit the entire food value chain, from farm to fork, as well as the agroecosystem.

The researchers involved will analyze and assess the samples and data gathered. They will publish their findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals for use by the scientific and agricultural communities. 

Successful, data-driven agronomic protocols will be scaled up and tailored to crops, as well as to soil and climatic conditions to enhance biodiversity, soil health, and the profitability of farms of any size. LivinGro® accelerates innovation for farmers and nature, revitalizes agroecosystems, and supports Regenerative Agriculture as well as Syngenta Group’s sustainability agenda.

This initiative also helps farmers to make their operations more resilient to the effects of climate change, meet societal expectations related to sustainable food production, and comply with or prepare for evolving regulatory requirements.

LivinGro®: sustainable agriculture

In action in Costa Rica

LivinGro®: science meets

Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

LivinGro® trials in wheat fields in Mexico

In collaboration with CIMMYT

Voices on LivinGro®:
Transforming Agriculture for a Sustainable Future

Gina Swart,
AgroEcosystem Technology Platform Lead at Syngenta

“Agricultural sustainability and farmer profitability are compatible. We can produce healthy, quality food while preserving and improving biodiversity and soil quality in agricultural ecosystems.”

Javier Peris,
Project Manager and Biodiversity Expert at Syngenta

“LivinGro® protocols will help farmers and food companies achieve their sustainability commitments while safeguarding the environment, biodiversity, and soil health.”

Michael Schade,
Syngenta Fellow and Biodiversity Expert at Syngenta

“Growers following the LivinGro® protocols, implementing multifunctional areas such as flowering strips, will not only contribute to enhancing biodiversity, they will also benefit from the power of natural regulation. Even more importantly, they will preserve the most precious resources such as productive, living soils and clean water for future generations.“

Ana Lía Gayan,
LivinGro® project team member at Syngenta

“LivinGro® brings to life the form of agriculture that we want to see tomorrow: this shift to a more sustainable and resilient farming that produces healthy food in a healthy ecosystem. We can get there with the help of science and research as proposed by LivinGro®.“

Discover more

In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, LivinGro® field trials are taking place under the umbrella “Nature Positive Agriculture” (NaPA).

Learn more about LivinGro®:

Item 1 of 4

Random sampling quadrat to assess plant diversity in a flowering strip on a field in Germany

Random sampling quadrat to assess plant diversity in a flowering strip on a field in Germany

Vane trap in a barley field in Germany

Vane trap in a barley field in Germany

Subterranean trap for soil invertebrates in an orchard in Chile

Subterranean trap for soil invertebrates in an orchard in Chile

Soil Core extraction and segmentation for the Macfadyen soil extraction

Soil Core extraction and segmentation for the Macfadyen soil extraction

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